Lead Details

Once a customer sees your ad and fills up the lead form, the Lead is distributed to your Dashboard where you can check the various details related to that Lead.

Note: For Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google search and display ads, your leads are shown on the Dashboard with pre-filled information, whereas for the Google call ads you can edit some of the Lead Details (Car model, fuel type, transmission, color).

On the Leads screen, you'll find the following Lead details:

  1. Name of the Lead

  2. Email Id of the Lead

  3. Date and time when Lead was generated

  4. Contact No.

  5. Car Model

  6. Fuel Type (Diesel or Petrol)

  7. Transmission (Manual or Automatic or CNG)

  8. Color

  9. Details, i.e. the comment or query added by the potential customer in the lead form of the ad

  10. Status - to be updated based on your conversation with the customer

  11. Call duration

Next, let's talk about how to edit a Lead.

Last updated