Setting the Lead Status

Lead Status helps you to easily track all the Leads. It increases your efficiency and fastens the sales process. Just by looking at your updated Leads screen, you can get to know what is the progress with the Leads.

We recommend that along with rating a Lead, you also update the Status of each Lead after you have talked to the customer.

You can set one of the following statuses for each Lead:

  • Initial Call Done: select this when you have talked to the customer once

  • Test Drive Scheduled: choose this status when the test drive has been scheduled with the customer

  • Follow-up: select this when you are in talks with the customer after the first call

  • Negotiation: choose this when the customer is finally ready to purchase the car and is clearing final doubts before the purchase

  • Purchased: select this when the customer has purchased the car

  • Invalid: choose this status if the contact information is invalid, i.e phone number doesn't have 10 digits, etc.

  • Wrong contact info: select this in case of the contact name, phone number or email id is not right

  • No Response: select this status if the customer is not responding on mobile or email id

  • Purchase - Competition: select this status if the Lead has bought a car from a competitor brand or showroom

  • Service Query - when the customer has enquired about service

  • Booking Done - when the customer has paid the booking amount for a car

  • Booking - Competition - when the customer has booked a car from a competitor brand or showroom

We recommend to regularly update Status for each Lead. This will make your sales process easier and help you to close more sales in an efficient manner.

Check out this video to learn how to rate a lead and set lead status:

Last updated